Up to year 5 (when I was about10 years old), I went to formal school. In year 6 I left and to try home-schooling0 along with my younger brother who was in year 3 at the time. My dad was homeschooled and went to university at the age of 15, which he found really beneficial, and my maternal uncle was also homeschooled for a period and found the experience also accelerated his learning, compressing years into months at some points. My mum and dad work, so we have several tutors (both online and in person), my grandparents pitch in, and we also use various website. Documentaries are huge theme as well… Why pay a teacher when they can watch Netflix is what my dad always says… See below for list of cool historical documentaries that I recommend. Within two years we had both completed Foundation GCSE Maths with a top grade of 5 and the year after, I completed Higher Maths and Physics passing both with 8s(A*s). Soon after this I completed Further Maths with a 7 and now am studying for another 4 GCSEs and 2 A levels (Maths and Physics). Along with academics, I basically followed my passions… I now am a Rubix cuber, model rocket aficionado,a movie maker (LINK.. please subscribe!!), an air force cadet and a grade 6 level pianist (having never had a music lesson before 2020). I continue with taekwondo, cricket and tennis as we are a sporty family (or at least my dad says we are).